Sony Xperia XZ Premium vs. X Performance: 4GB RAM, 64GB ROM

Today, let us compare two smartphones, Sony Xperia XZ Premium vs. X Performance. These Sony phones come with 4GB RAM, 64GB ROM, 4K resolution

Sony Xperia XZ Premium vs

Sony Xperia XZ Premium vs. X Performance: specs comparison

First, let take a look at the performance of Sony Xperia XZ Premium vs. X Performance. In particular, the Sony Xperia XZ Premium specs pack Octa-core 4×2.45GHz SnD 835 with 4GB RAM. For internal storage, the Sony XZ Premium offers 64 GB which can be expanded up to 256GB. Besides that, the Sony Xperia X Performance Specs draw Quad-core 2×2.15GHz SnD 820 with 3GB RAM. For inbuilt memory, the Sony X Performance has 32/64GB which can be extended up to 256GB. For the performance, Sony XZ Premium is better than X Performance.

Furthermore, in the Sony Xperia XZ Premium vs. X Performance battle, we come to the cameras of both Sony smartphone. Specifically, the Sony Xperia XZ Premium cameras draw 19MP sensors with Motion Eye on the rear and 13MP lens on the front-facing for selfies. For the Motion Eye technology, which is capable of shooting slow-motion video with 960 fps for per second. Meanwhile, Sony Xperia X Performance cameras come with the 23MP lens for the primary shooter and 13MP sensors for the secondary snapper.

Sony Xperia XZ Premium vs

Last but not least, we compare about the screen of Sony Xperia XZ Premium vs. X Performance. The Sony Xperia XZ Premium specs contain a 5.5-inches display with 3840 x 2160 pixels (4k resolution). Besides, Sony Xperia X Performance specs include a 5.0 inches screen with 1080 x 1920 pixels. Moreover, the Sony XZ Premium smartphone runs on Android 7.1 (Nougat) with 3230mAh battery life. Meanwhile, the Sony X Performance Mobile works on Android 6.0.1 (Marshmallow) with 2700mAh non-removable battery capacity.

Sony Xperia XZ Premium vs. X Performance: price and release date

Finally, the Sony Xperia XZ Premium price is around $732 or RM. 3137. Also, Sony Xperia XZ Premium release date is in June 2017. Meanwhile, the Sony Xperia X Performance price starts from $512 or RM. 2194. The Sony Xperia X Performance release date is in June 2016. So, which one of two Sony smartphones do you prefer? Tell us your ideas.