12 new words added into Oxford Dictionary thanks to…technology you need to know!

Oxford Dictionary usually adds new words to their database every year, and most of them are related to technology. In this post today, we would like to introduce 12 new words which have been so common since 2013.

1. SELFIE (n): A photo of yourself that you take, typically with a smartphone or a webcam, and usually put on a social networking site
2. CYBERWARRIOR (n): A computer expert engaged in the infiltration or sabotage of information systems, or in the defence of information systems against outside attack, typically for strategic or military purposes
3. UNBOX (v): Remove (something, especially a newly purchased product) from a box or other packaging
4. DEEP WEB (n): The part of the World Wide Web that is not discoverable by means of standard search engines, including password-protected or dynamic pages and encrypted networks
deep web
5. CLICKBAIT (n): (On the Internet) content whose main purpose is to attract attention and encourage visitors toclick on a link to a particular web page
6. LOCK SCREEN (n): A visual interface on a computer or mobile phone which is available before the user has entered a passcode or otherwise activated the full functionality of the device
7. iOS (n): An operating system used for mobile devices manufactured by Apple Inc.
8. PHABLET (n): A smartphone having a screen which is intermediate in size between that of a typical smartphone and a tablet computer
9. BITCOIN (n): (abbreviation: BTC) A type of digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank
10. EMOJI (n): A small digital image or icon used to express an idea or emotion in electronic communication
11. SELFIE STICK (n): A device in the form of a rod on which a camera or smartphone may be mounted, enabling the person holding it to take a photograph of themselves from a wider angle than if holding the camera or smartphone in their hand


12. ANDROID (n); An open-source operating system used for smartphones and tablet computers