5 quick tips to fix your bad photos

These days, just download a photography app and choose a filter, you will have your own images, but still there will be a bad photo that you need some tips to fix it. 

bad photo

Basic tips for your bad photos

Firstly, you need to know about Rules of Thirds. Your photo is divided into nine same parts by 2 vertical axises and 2 horizontal axises. Try and align the subject on your photo along these axises before having a click if you do not want a bad photo. This will give you a more dramatic and suitable arrangement for all of the elements in the frame. Luckily, it is more easier now, you do not have to imagine such nine boxes on your frame since most of the current cameras have a rule of thirds grid overlay that you can activate when shooting.

Secondly, you need to adjust your exposure. Exposure means how light or dark the shot appears. Basically, your camera will automatically adjust the photo exposure if you do not do that. But manually adjust the exposure compensation is better. Many cameras have a physical button, which appears with +/- symbol. Thirdly, choosing the right mode is always important. Each scene has its specific conditions, colors, exposure, thus you can not use only one mode for many different scenes, which may causes a bad photo.

bad photo

Fourthly, think about lighting. Pay attention to how much light you have and where it’s coming from when taking your photos. If you are in a dark place, you will need camera’s flash to fill in shadows. It is better to manage the flash and the light level by yourself cause you know which angel that needed to be brighter than others. More important, if you need to activate the flash, back up a bit and zoom in to get the proper framing. If not, your model may be too white or black. Many cameras allow you to adjust the power of the flash, which can help to add better balance to photos.

Last but not least to fix bad photos

It is to be careful to choose your unique photo. It’s easy to take hundreds of photos in a few hours. But don’t just dump your memory card and upload all of the images to Facebook. You should spend some time on going through your photos to choose the most beautiful photo as you think. It is better to have a good photo than many same quality ones.